
Be Considerlate person!!!

Chapter 1: Sense is Beautiful when Polished

What changes are you going to make in your life this year to be in harmony with nature?

Dear Global Business Managers,

ABC messages for you and 3 Qs to ask yourself:
A) Always appreciate the moment and thank for who you are now.
B) Always learn from everything with a humble mind and be honest.  
C) Become a leader enriched with feelings and sensitivity.  

1. Are you a brave and bold person?
2. Do you have dreams that can enrich your soul and life?
3. Are you taking care of yourself for good balanced healthy mind and a strong body?

Let the present shine so brightly that your fears and sorrows about the past become a blur!

Regretting the past will not change anything.  If you want to make up for the mistakes of the past, you have to focus on reality and the future rather than on the past.

Don’t look back, just move forward. The only person who can make up for the mistakes of the past is you, in the present.

Everyone is creative. Creativity is a spontaneous combination in positive people with high self-esteem. In companies with constructive and positive work environments, employee’s ideas are routinely available.

What determines your creativity? There are three factors that contribute to creativity. The first is past experience. What happened to you in the past has a great impact on how creative you are now.

Influences from the past

Creative people, because of their background, consider themselves to be very creative. Generating ideas is a normal and natural part of their lives.

Non-creative people, on the other hand, have experienced a negative environment, starting from their childhood and continuing through several job changes, where they have accepted that they are not creative at all. Even if they had a good idea, they dismissed or ignored it, believing it to be useless.

People feel themselves to be more creative when they work (or have worked) in a company where their ideas are supported and stimulated, where their managers and colleagues respect and take an interest in their ideas.

We unconsciously want to be loved and cared for by others. That is why, at first, we feel alienated and fearful when we express our creative opinions to others or when we act creatively alone.

The power of the present

The second factor that determines your creaitivity is your current situation.

Is there positive encouragement for new ideas in your workplace?

Are ideas laughed at and discussed? Or do they mock and belittle the ideas?


The third factor is the image of the self(self-diagnosis).

Do you consider yourself to be a creative person?

Do you judge yourself to be very creative? Or do you not think so?

Many studies have shown that 95% of people have the potential to achieve high levels of creativity. Howard Gardner of Harvard University concludes that there are many different ways of thinking and that everyone has the potential to excel in at least one area.

What this means is that the key to unlocking your creativity is to think of yourself as a creative person.

The Inner Game

In his book “The Inner Game of Golf”, Timothy Galway explains that the way to become a better golfer is to imagine that you are already a top player and to play as if you were standing in the final round. By believing you are a great golfer, your swing, drive and putting will improve instantly.

Likewise, imagining that you are a very creative person will develop your creativity. “I’m genius! Over and over again.

Imagine that you are a very creative person. Imagine that you are so creative that there is no problem in the world that you cannot solve using your creativity.

Imagine that there is no goal that you can’t achieve by refining your ideas. Imagine that, like a laser beam cutting through steel, there is no obstacle you can’t overcome if you use your creativity.

The wonderful thing is that everyone is inherently creative.  

Creativity is an innate human tool to survive and to tackle the inevitable problems of everyday life.

The only difference is that some people make use of their innate creativity and others rarely use it.

We all have an exceptional ability to educate others. In other words, we have the power to inspire others to use their own strengths, potential and other abilities.

They also have an excellent capacity for questioning and openly doubting, which allows them to be further educated by others.

For us, the process of learning

never ends. Let's enjoy it!

Think for yourself!


☆Use the space available below to write your challenge 1,2 and 3 in detail.

1. Set one of your biggest current goals.  

What is that goal?

And what can you do immediately to get one step closer to that goal?

2. Identify the biggest problems and obstacles that stand in the way of your most important goals.

What immediate actions can be taken to solve the problems and remove the obstacles?

3. What are your strengths and what do you need help with?

Chapter 2: Three factors that bring about creativity                                Continue to


©Kelly Mizuno SPACES,INC.


With gratitude and appreciation,
Keiko, Kelly MIZUNO
Have a wonderful rest of the day, everyone. Take care.
©Keiko Kelly Mizuno, SPACES,INC. 
