
読書、IT、大学生活などの記録 毎週火曜日:読書、毎週金曜日:日常、毎週土曜日:ITを…


読書、IT、大学生活などの記録 毎週火曜日:読書、毎週金曜日:日常、毎週土曜日:ITを、3ヶ月(2022年11月末まで)つづけられたら自分を褒めようと思う





25 VS Code Productivity

Command + p => type >: Enables to do many stuff from here Command + p => type @: Finds …


卵筋肉に最適の食材 卵のプロテインスコアは100 ・卵に含まれる脂肪であるアラキドン酸は脳と…


カフェイン目が覚めるメカニズム - 体の中のアデノシンと結びつくA1, A2aという受容体とアデノ…


脂肪が燃えるメカニズム1. 脂肪細胞が分解して脂肪酸が出てくる 2. 脂肪酸がミトコンドリアに…


Q. 脚トレ必要?? A. ダイエット時にはすごく有効 脚トレの特徴 ・成長ホルモンが出る(バル…


1. Open terminal on Mac 2.1. ssh USERNAME(e.g. djangoadmin)@IP ADDRESS(…

CS Crash Course: #7 The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

- ALU, which takesin binary numbers and performs calculations, and we've made two types …

Django memo: 選択肢

class Foodの上に、CATEOGRY = ()とすることで選択肢を作成 model内でCharField()の引数にcho…

Django: 今日の日付のデータを取ってくる

いたってシンプル。 foods = modelname.objects.filter(カラム名 .filter()がポ…

CS Crash Course: #6 Registers and RAM

- Computer memory that only stores one bit of information isn't very useful, but we're n…

CS Crash Course: #5 How Computers Calculate - the ALU

Intro- Representing and storing numbers is an important funtion of a computer, but the r…

CS Crash Course: #4 Representing Numbers and Letters with Binary

- Each of these binary digits, 1 or 0, is called a "bit." - You might have heard of 8-…

CS Crash Course: #3 Boolean Logic & Logic Gates

- In the last episode, discussed how computers evolved from "electromechanical devices,"…

CS Crash Course: #2 Electronic Computing

3: Electronic Computing - Today, computers use transistors that are smaller than 50 nan…


The article explains that Clevair and provides three reasons that he often created skept…



25 VS Code Productivity

Command + p => type >: Enables to do many stuff from here Command + p => type @: Finds …


卵筋肉に最適の食材 卵のプロテインスコアは100 ・卵に含まれる脂肪であるアラキドン酸は脳と…


カフェイン目が覚めるメカニズム - 体の中のアデノシンと結びつくA1, A2aという受容体とアデノ…


脂肪が燃えるメカニズム1. 脂肪細胞が分解して脂肪酸が出てくる 2. 脂肪酸がミトコンドリアに…


Q. 脚トレ必要?? A. ダイエット時にはすごく有効 脚トレの特徴 ・成長ホルモンが出る(バル…


1. Open terminal on Mac 2.1. ssh USERNAME(e.g. djangoadmin)@IP ADDRESS(…

CS Crash Course: #7 The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

- ALU, which takesin binary numbers and performs calculations, and we've made two types …

Django memo: 選択肢

class Foodの上に、CATEOGRY = ()とすることで選択肢を作成 model内でCharField()の引数にcho…

Django: 今日の日付のデータを取ってくる

いたってシンプル。 foods = modelname.objects.filter(カラム名 .filter()がポ…

CS Crash Course: #6 Registers and RAM

- Computer memory that only stores one bit of information isn't very useful, but we're n…

CS Crash Course: #5 How Computers Calculate - the ALU

Intro- Representing and storing numbers is an important funtion of a computer, but the r…

CS Crash Course: #4 Representing Numbers and Letters with Binary

- Each of these binary digits, 1 or 0, is called a "bit." - You might have heard of 8-…

CS Crash Course: #3 Boolean Logic & Logic Gates

- In the last episode, discussed how computers evolved from "electromechanical devices,"…

CS Crash Course: #2 Electronic Computing

3: Electronic Computing - Today, computers use transistors that are smaller than 50 nan…


The article explains that Clevair and provides three reasons that he often created skept…