

PBS News Weekend July 2, 2023




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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:56] 今日の主要ニュース

[04:01]★今日のおすすめ★ 連邦最高裁の先日終わったばかりの会期を、最高裁アナリストのMarcia Coyleと振り返る

[08:27] But for this past term that just ended, the chief justice's sort of preference to move incrementally, although his critics might call it, you know, faux judicial restraint   [* judicial restraint = a theory of judicial interpretation that encourages judges to limit the exercise of their own power, and to avoid striking down laws unless they are obviously unconstitutional.
see also:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_restraint // faux = fake ] -- I think that was the phrase Justice Scalia used once -- you know, he was able to do so in certain key areas.

[09:07] She [* = Ketanji Brown Jackson ] just sort of sent a shot across the bow of the bench to Justice Thomas. And she has called herself an originalist [* = one who aims to discover how the writers of the United States Constitution intended it to be interpreted, and to interpret it in that way (wiktionary). see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Originalism ] . And she made it clear that she did not see a colorblind constitution [* (この文脈では)colorは肌の色のこと。colorblindは、肌の色の違いが見えないかのように、人種を一切考慮しないこと。colorblind constitutionは、人種の違いがあることを想定しない憲法。これは、Thomas判事ら保守派の合衆国憲法についての考え方で、Brown Jackson判事は、
それを否定する立場 ],
which has been Justice Thomas's sort of mantra for decades now.

[09:46] I think the one that there will be a lot of attention to is Rahimi v. United States
[* see:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Rahimi ]. That's a case that asks whether the federal law that prohibits someone who's subject to a domestic violence restraining order can have a gun. The lower federal appellate court struck down that provision and the United States came to the Supreme Court with an appeal. And there's been a lot of trouble in the lower courts trying to apply Justice Thomas' standard under the Second Amendment for when gun restrictions can pass constitutional muster.

[10:50] And then the court is also going to look at an old doctrine that it's called the Chevron Doctrine [* = Chevron deference (doctrine)   see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevron_U.S.A.,_Inc._v._Natural_Resources_Defense_Council,_Inc. ] , about giving federal courts, giving deference to agency decisions when they're trying to interpret an ambiguous statute that they enforce. That could have huge ramifications for federal regulation.

[11:23]★今日のおすすめ★ ファスト・ファッション最大手SHEINの労働者搾取と環境汚染/ドキュメンタリー『Inside the SHEIN Machine: UNTOLD』でこの問題を取材したIman Amraniに聞く

[* fast fashion   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_fashion  }

[15:51] The influencers themselves have been coming under a lot of criticism for going on this trip and accepting SHEIN's spin [* < to spin = to present, describe, or interpret, or to introduce a bias or slant, so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance; なんらかの思惑があって、事実を都合よく解釈したり、歪曲したり、論点をすり替えたりして、もっともらしいことを言う。あるいは、その言葉 ] without really challenging it.

[18:01] 最近のチェス人気を名人Levy Rozman(YouTubeでGotham Chessを運営、『How to Win at Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond』を今秋出版予定)と考える/Netflixの『The Queen's Gambit』の影響

[18:51] International Master is the second highest title you can have in the chess world and I guess internationally, for lack of a better word. The title above mine is Grandmaster, which is the title that everyone aspires to. I stopped at the International Master because I frankly never even thought I would get it. So when I got it, it was a huge adrenaline dump [* = adrenaline rush ] for me and I was very happily going back to my university studies.

[20:09] But it wasn't a big deal until Queen's Gambit came. My view count on YouTube went from about 70,000, in a 48-hour window, to a million. And that just kept happening because somebody would watch the Queen's Gambit trailer, and on the sidebar it would say How to play the Queen's Gambit by Gotham Chess, a video that I made with a little potato [* potato = a camera that takes poor-quality pictures; an underpowered computer or other device, especially when small in size (wiktionary) ] of a webcam, never thought much of, but it just blew up [* to blow up = to become popular very quickly (wiktionary) ].

[21:37] There is something different about chess. It's not just the one-on-one game where you mash [* to mash = (transitive, informal, gaming) to press (a button) rapidly and repeatedly (wiktionary) ] a controller or learn some little trick.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News



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