
今もこうして / Delve ~Isolate Line との共作~

今もこうして / Delve
焼けついて溶けだしたアスファルト舗装の道路に 革靴の底がへばりつく
昼過ぎの暑さをひとり歩く バイク・車・人の熱が行きかう 
誰もかれもすべて他人 何もかも俺とは無縁 なんて感じる余裕さえなく
流れる汗も流れるに任せる あたまは暑さにやられ腐りかけている
ここはサイゴンのどこか よくわからないが ひと言で言えば 死ぬほど暑い
暑い 暑い それだけでじゅうぶん 死ぬ理由になるぐらいの暑さに
それでも笑えてきてしまうあたり 死ぬことには間違いなく向いていない 動物
凶暴な太陽が射し殺す37度 寒いギャグか上下スーツ
ネクタイをゆるめる気力もなく おかげで悪くなく見える死に装束 
露店で頼んだ オレンジジュース 暑さで溶けかかりベタついた椅子にくたばり
うなだれたまま 受け取ったプラカップ 眺めた その時に 見つけた
その日の俺の神様は搾りたてのオレンジ色 天使は日焼けしたベトナムのおばさん 
たった それだけが必要だった たかが それだけのことで拾った命 
「たった」「たかが」で拾い落とす命 不条理なんて言葉も生ぬるく響く
まるで俺の服装のように ギャグに左右される
「日々の命 生き死にの分かれ道 選べれば二者択一 選べなければ それまで
運を天に任せ あとは神に祈れ」? 祈りながらくたばれ 棺桶に騙れ
俺はあがき続ける 命拾うための「たった」「たかが」集め 暑ければ頭やられ 
寒ければ体震え くじければ心萎える 無修正の路上で——
ここはどこだ? どこか どこだろうと俺が俺でいる限り同じこと いつかくたばる時には意味を
持って見えて来るかも知れないけれど 今はいまだ途上のどこか――いまだ生きている 
汗にまみれ 泥にまみれ 血は濁り 格好良さのかけらもなく しがみつく 命に 
その剥き出しの浅ましさに みっともなさに 痺れるような恍惚 覚え見出す動物
どこだろうと落とす気はなく しがみつくどころか、くらいつく
日々の命 生き死にの分かれ道 見えなくても目の前にある 仕込まれて
隠されている 運に縁にアタリハズレ めまぐるしく入れ替わるそのすべて
俺は飲み干してやる 命拾うための「たった」「たかが」集め 暑ければ頭やられ 
寒ければ体震え くじければ心萎える 目の前の路上で———
地獄にもなれば 天国にもなる 地上 「たった」「たかが」探しうろつく魑魅魍魎
救いがあるもないも自分次第といいながら無い 可能性のほうが高いこともわかりながら
生きる 俺はGhostGold——捕らぬ狸の皮算用 繰り返し生きる動物 
生き死にの分かれ道の外で 生きる限りうたい続ける 今もこうして

Delve / 今もこうして
(*Free translated by Shin / 新訳 )
The soles of my leather shoes stick to the burnt and melted asphalt pavement.
I walk alone on the street in the intense mid-afternoon heat. The heat of motorcycles, cars, and people passing by. 
They are all strangers to me, none of them have anything to do with me, and I don't even have time to care.
I let the sweat sweat. My head is rotting from the heat.
Here is somewhere in Saigon...I'm not sure where but in a word “Hell hot.”
Hell, hot. Hot enough to be a reason of my death, but it still makes me laugh…I am the animal never accept death.
Sunshine the crazy killer, 37 degrees. The top and bottom suit I put on are like a dead joke.
So tired to loosen my tie that makes my death outfit look more neatly dead. 
I ordered a cup of orange juice from a stall on the street. I sat in a chair that was melting and sticky from the heat and waited for the fresh one come, almost falling off the chair...Dying, I took the plastic cup from the Mrs at the stall, looked at it, and then discovered that my God that day was freshly squeezed orange colored and my angel that day was a tanned Vietnamese Mrs. 
All I needed to be saved was about 150 yen in cash, not such a Bible.
That's just I needed. Only that saved my life. 
Lives saved or lost by "just" and "only". Even the word "absurd" sounds lukewarm.
It all depends on the joke like my suit in Saigon.
" Daily life. The fork in the road between life and death. If we can choose, we have two choices. If we can't choose, that's the end. Just Leave our luck to the heavens and pray to God for the rest"? You pray until die. You pay for a coffin.
I keep on struggling for living. I collect all "just" and "only" to salvage my life on the uncensored streets where the heat makes my head hurt, the cold makes my body shiver, and shit breaks my heart.
Where am I? Somewhere. Wherever I am, it doesn't matter as long as I am the real me. Someday, when I die, I may see something in there. But for now, I am just only on the way. Yeah, still alive!
Covered by sweat and mud, my blood is muddy thick, clinging to life without a shred of coolness. 
I am the animal finds the highest ecstasy in the shallowness of its bare, disgusting nature.
On the street in Vietnam, where I was saved by drinking orange juice, I remembered the summer when I almost drowned in green vomit on the street in Tanimachi 4-chome. Where will the next street become that I remember and laugh at?
Wherever it will be...I keep my life, hold it tight and never let it go.
Daily life. The fork in the road between life and death is arranged and hidden right in front of us, even if we can't see it.

The luck, the fringes, the hits and misses are all dizzy changing. I will drink them all.
I collect all "just" and "only" to salvage my life on the street in front of me, where the heat makes my head hurt, the cold makes my body shiver, and shit breaks my heart.
On earth, we can get hell or heaven. Countless ghosts are wandering around looking for "just" and "only".
Though knowing chance is less, I live with saying to myself "Any salvation depends on me,"
I am GhostGold = The Animal repeats getting ghost gold.
I keep on singing outside the fork in the road between life and death, and will keep on singing to survive just as now I am singing.

というような、徹底的な「俺は生きるぞ」精神をぶち込んだ1発目の曲が、Isolate Lineとの共作だ。曲名は「今もこうして」。この曲では路上で生きることを歌い倒したが、この文章が出るころには私は中国の路上で悪戦苦闘していることだろう。【嵐に遭う男】の私にふさわしく、なかなかに劣悪なタイミングで飛ぶハメになった(2024/8/29に飛ぶ)。その前日に生きて起きてこの文章を書いている、今もこうして

