
なぜ、よく噛んでゆっくり食べるといいのか?-Why is it good to chew well and eat slowly?-


In the previous article, I introduced the reasons why you should not make juice from fruit. It was said that unnecessary sugar content and dietary fiber were removed. If you are interested, please check out these articles as well. And this time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from ``Eating Techniques Taught by Doctors'' and the title.


"If you're thinking about your health, try to take at least 30 minutes to eat. Ideally, you should chew each bite 30 times. Chewing your food thoroughly mixes the food with the digestive enzymes found in your saliva. Also, if you take your time and chew slowly, it sends a signal to the satiety center in your brain that your stomach is almost full."


"People who eat quickly finish eating before this signal is received, so they end up having to refill their rice. Even if others around you are eating quickly, make sure to chew your food slowly. It's for your important health. Stop worrying about things that are boring."


What did you all think? When you're hungry, you tend to eat quickly. Chewing your food thoroughly and eating slowly will help your digestion go smoothly and improve digestion in your stomach and intestines. Please remember that your health comes first. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.


参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二 
出版 ダイヤモンド社


